Configuration Tips: Advanced Reporting & Custom Dashboards –  Register now →

Privacy-first Analytics

Safeguard privacy and confidentiality without loss of any productivity insights, and forge higher levels of trust with employees.

Data Privacy By Default

Prevents collection of any personal and sensitive user data.

  • Only activity main domain name is displayed – title bars, detailed URLs, screenshots and screenviews are unavailable.
  • Non-business activity details such as app name or website, classified as undefined and unproductive are removed, and displayed only as an aggregate of time
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ActivTrak Data Privacy Controls on/off

Role & User-Based Access Configuration

Set granular user role permissions and access, to protect privacy and confidentiality, while enabling responsible data sharing within the organization.

  • Assign all users to default personas with pre-defined configure/view access
  • Fine tune and configure individual user access to specific apps, reports and dashboards
  • Create custom groups with distinct permissions
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ActivTrak Data Privacy Controls - Role & User Based access configuration

Personal Insights & Email Subscription

Empower employees with personal data insights for self awareness and improvement. Custom email subscription allows you to share select reports and dashboards with direct reports or subscribe other users while limiting data access.

  • Enable employees with access to their own personal data insights through app or email subscription
  • Share select reports and dashboards with direct reports
  • Disseminate data intelligence to a select broader audience while limiting data access with custom report subscription
  • Flexible, automated scheduling options for email subscriptions
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Data Privacy controls - personal insights & email subscriptions

Anonymized & Aggregated Data Options

Ease employee monitoring concerns and maintain confidentiality with select options that anonymize and aggregate data.

  • View productivity metrics aggregated at the team or org level
  • Create Anonymized labels for users and digital devices
  • Averaged team benchmark data in Personal insights  prevent individual user identification
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ActivTrak data Privacy Controls - Anonymized & aggregated data options

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