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Customizable Dashboards

Design dashboards tailored to your specific needs.

Customizable Dashboards

Design dashboards tailored to your specific needs.

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Headcount Planning

  • Discover untapped labor capacity.
  • Make data-informed efficiency and headcount decisions.
  • Rightsize teams and balance workloads.
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Technology License Planning

  • Identify unused licenses and rightsize technology investments to reduce costs.
  • Monitor license usage trends to anticipate future needs and effectively allocate resources based on team roles and responsibilities.
  • Detect and adjust technology usage patterns to optimize resource allocation.
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Sales Efficiency

  • Compare sales productivity metrics side-by-side.
  • Track time spent in meetings and prospecting.
  • Monitor the number of qualified leads, opportunities, and tasks completed.
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Customer Service Productivity

  • Measure the time between ticket creation and resolution.
  • See weekly ticket trends – cases created, open, solved.
  • Compare rep productivity metrics side by side for email and chat.
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