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Three Ways Support Packages Can Accelerate Value From Your SaaS Investment

More than ever, leaders demand tangible ROI & a clear path to value when investing in SaaS products. Learn how support packages help accelerate that ROI.

Matthew Taylor

By Matthew Taylor

A delighted product user that had a support issue resolved quickly.

To invest or not to invest? That is the question

In my role as a Director of Customer Success, I’m often asked by customers why I should invest in a Support package. ‘Is your product so complicated that I need someone to hold my hand?’ ‘Can you just provide us with the data and get out of our way?’

The truth is, most SaaS software products do not walk in and turn themselves on. And I suspect your employees will not wake up tomorrow and know how to extract optimal value from your new investment.

If the last 12-24 months have taught us anything, it’s that few companies have unlimited time and resources, nor a crystal ball to see around corners and predict all of their future business needs. Now, more than ever, leaders demand a tangible return on investment (ROI) and a clear path to value when investing in a new SaaS product.

There are a multitude of reasons why your organization can benefit from Support packages. I’ve highlighted three that I find most critical when I’m making decisions on whether to allocate budget for SaaS product support packages.

Why investing in support packages makes sense

1. Accelerates time to value

  • In the past, it was common practice for customers to purchase perpetual licenses, so time to value was less critical to business success than it is today. Customers were willing to stick with their purchase until they could reap the benefits of the solution. The introduction of SaaS products has rendered customers less tolerant of delays.
  • Onboarding and implementation, can work wonders in getting you up to speed on the product, learn best practices to utilize it and realize value quicker.

2. Enables a predictable support model

  • Investing in a support package alleviates uncertainty and enables agility by ensuring you are continuously empowered with the services you need to be successful, without the risk of unpredicted costs or adoption challenges.

3. Provides access to experts

  • Additional advisory support unlocks deeper insights and drives tangible results that technology alone cannot.
  • Increased technical support, monitoring and guidance from product experts ensures your investment is fully optimized and aligned with your strategic objectives.

A few closing thoughts

Here at ActivTrak, we believe your success is driven, in large part, by how well the product is configured, implemented and adopted.

To that end, our new support plans have been designed to ensure you’re able to successfully deploy and leverage the ActivTrak platform while receiving the level of support that best suits your business needs.

Fine-tuned across 9,500+ customers, we operate on a trusted business advisor delivery model that establishes ownership and built-in mutual accountability. This innovative, agile approach continues to generate high levels of customer satisfaction and accelerates initial time to value.

So let’s go back to the original question: Should I invest in a support package? My recommendation is to start by asking yourself two simple questions:

  1. Will the product play a key role in the end-user's day-to-day work?
  2. Will the product inform leadership decision-making?

If the answer to either question is yes and your goal is to extract the most value from your SaaS product investment, it’s worth considering the value support packages can provide.

Interested in learning more about ActivTrak Support Packages? Click here to discover how we can partner together to unlock deeper insights and accelerate your workforce analytics journey.

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